Employee Engagement

Improving Employee Engagement: Overcoming Challenges in Internal Communication

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful business, fostering collaboration, productivity, and employee satisfaction. Yet, despite significant investments in hi-spec communication technology, recent internal communication statistics reveal a concerning trend. A substantial 74% of employees feel they are missing out on crucial information, while 72% lack a full understanding of their company's overall strategy. Miscommunications plague 74% of managers weekly, and a staggering 78% of employees believe better communication from employers would enhance job satisfaction.

Improving employee communications

The answer to this challenge lies in identifying and addressing the underlying issues hindering effective internal communication. Several factors contribute to this disconnect, with one major obstacle being low user adoption of intranets. Complex features, confusing navigation, and ineffective search functions make intranets less appealing to employees seeking a seamless route to accomplish their tasks.

Information overload poses another challenge, overwhelming employees with a deluge of content. Implementing a highly organised information management system is imperative to avoid confusion and counter-productivity among users. Proper training is equally crucial to foster regular intranet use and engagement.

Security concerns cannot be overlooked when centralising sensitive data on an intranet. While providers strive to bolster security measures, vulnerabilities remain, necessitating robust gateways and firewalls.

Moreover, intranets can be costly and time-consuming to implement and maintain. Employee onboarding becomes challenging when the platform lacks user-friendliness and employees struggle to grasp its functionalities. This inefficiency lowers adoption rates and impacts the overall success of communication initiatives.

Third-party employee engagement software

To enhance productivity and employee engagement, businesses should seek alternative approaches to complement intranet usage. Leveraging personalised communication strategies, such as individual-level communications, has shown high levels of active member engagement. Working with employee engagement specialists, like Neon Agency, can help create impactful dialogue with employees and business partners, significantly improving overall productivity and profitability.

Our approach involves creating and developing on-going dialogues with individuals and teams using a pattern that experience has taught us gains maximum attention. Too often in discussion with clients they refer to their house communication system as a potential vehicle for our recommendations for productivity and engagement growth. We always advise them to avoid it. Whilst intranets undoubtably have value, the sheer volume of content and other potential issues highlighted above, can risk setting a critical initiative up for a fall.

Learn more about our employee engagement software

In conclusion, addressing the barriers to effective internal communication is crucial for fostering a thriving corporate environment. Businesses must prioritise user-friendly and relevant communication channels, invest in comprehensive information management systems, and remain vigilant about data security. By doing so, companies can achieve enhanced employee engagement, productivity, and ultimately, greater success in today's competitive business landscape.

If you are looking for ways of improving efficiency and productivity in your employee base and distribution channels, or to motivate and recognise top performers and inspire others to emulate them, contact Neon for an initial chat.