Neon Agency is a team
of experienced performance
improvement experts
We work across multiple
industry sectors UK and Worldwide
We are now in week 6 of lockdown and Neon are adjusting to life working from home - how are you all holding up?
Employee engagement and connectivity is very important to us and we want to ensure our team all stay connected and are supportive of one another during this time. To do this, we’ve organised weekly company updates, arranged fun games and tasks and have had weekly pub quizzes to keep everyone in the loop and entertained.
Here are some of our team’s thoughts of working life during lockdown and what we’ve done to support one another to make working from home full-time feel as normal as possible!
"Since lockdown I have been missing the social atmosphere of the office, so I decided to set exciting tasks every week to keep us all connected whilst also keeping it light-hearted!
As part of the Social Committee at Neon, I decided to set fun new challenges every week, such as the infamous tea bag challenge, most drastic transformation and turning your house into a sporting arena to recreate a moment in history! As well as the weekly task, we meet up over Zoom every Friday for a quiz or another activity to keep us all in contact and having a laugh - I think staying connected and having fun with your team is very important at the moment!"
"When it was first announced that we would be going into lockdown I was a bit apprehensive about working from home full time. I’ve always worked in a busy environment with lots of people around, so I was concerned I wouldn’t be as focused and engaged with my colleagues and the brand as much as I would be in the office.
To combat this I decided to brand my working environment at home with a few token Neon items, such as my laptop stand. It’s really helped me keep in the zone and stay productive. It also gave the team a laugh when I told them I’d spent an hour or two painting the Neon logo onto a wooden box to use as a laptop stand…"
“Working from home during lockdown has been full of many challenges. I have been juggling life with a very busy one year old as my husband has been working out of the home and our usual childcare is unavailable. I am so thankful I work for an incredibly understanding and flexible agency and a team full of wonderful individuals who are always eager to support when they can.
I have been able to adapt my working hours to early mornings, fit around baby nap times and work into the evenings. It has meant I am able to be productive and get work done but also give my little one all of my attention when he needs it. With all the technology we have available to us such as Skype and Trello, I can stay connected with all of my colleagues. I have visibility over our joint projects when I am available to pick them up.
I miss meeting with all of our clients, so I ensure that I stay connected with them weekly and join regular Webex updates. During this difficult time it is incredibly important we understand the biggest challenges their businesses face. It enables us to adapt our programmes to the ever changing situation and ensure all of their employees and business partners are engaged now more than ever. We hope that when restrictions are lifted, our clients will have all the essential tools available to them to hit the ground running.”
How are your team supporting one another to make working life in lockdown feel as normal as possible? Get in touch to let us know!