Performance Improvement

Top Reasons Why You Should Have a Sales Incentive Now!

Top Reasons Why You Should Have a Sales Incentive Now!

Whether you’re looking to increase sales of a specific product, reward and recognise your employees or give a boost to your organisation’s overall revenue, running a sales incentive is a brilliant way to achieve these goals.

With the country beginning to fully reopen, now is the time to incentivise your team to boost sales. Here’s why:

90% of top-performing companies utilise incentive programs to reward their sales associates

There’s a reason why they’re top-performing…

An incentive programme is an excellent way to motivate your employees to hit targets. You can reward your sales teams with anything from monetary rewards or a piece of merchandise to an all expenses paid weekend away. Properly structured incentive programs can increase employee performance by 44%.

We can work with you to create the perfect incentive campaign programme to hit and exceed your personal business targets. For one of our clients we achieved 14x more products sold when we ran a month-long focus campaign in comparison to sales the month prior - we can deliver these sort of results for you.

Over 65% of employees don’t feel recognised at work

Feeling recognised at work is heavily linked to productivity. Therefore, pinning down a great sales incentive and/or recognition programme within your business can have a significant impact on your team’s work satisfaction, mental wellbeing and productivity levels.

75% of employees who receive monthly recognition are satisfied. We can help you keep your employees satisfied in the workplace by creating a sales incentive to reward and recognise your team’s hard work. Whether it’s a platform that allows colleagues to make small gestures such as a ‘thank you’ or ‘congratulations’ to lift each other’s spirits or a more comprehensive ‘all encompassing’ programme that tracks and rewards specific sales, we can ensure your employees feel valued, recognised and satisfied in the workplace!

Engaged organisations have 21% higher profitability than their peers

You may need to invest in a sales incentive, but your ROI will be more than worthwhile. When you have engaged employees who respect and value your business and its goals, you will find they work harder and more harmoniously, resulting in hitting and exceeding business objectives and goals together.

When staff feel recognised, employee turnover also drops by 31%, so keeping your team engaged will also save you money on recruitment costs in the long run - win win.

Are you looking to run an incentive or have an incentive that isn’t delivering?

We often have prospective clients approach us with a problem. Their incentive is delivering on sales but customer service or behaviours suffer as a result as their colleagues are not incentivised in the right way. Our incentive and performance improvement solutions bring balance to the fore by ensuring your teams sell the right product and adopt the correct selling behaviours.

For example, are you looking to sell more products without damaging your reputation with poor NPS scores? Is your team finding certain products really hard to sell, with their product knowledge suffering? We can help you improve your customer satisfaction scores and educate and motivate your sales teams to sell more of the right products. The results? Sales uplifts, great customer feedback, improved margins and well rounded top performing sales teams!

Get in touch with us today to understand what we have helped our clients achieve and how we might be able to help your business.